Today many people are asking themselves – how all this stress and disruption will affect our jobs? our industry? While it is never rewarding to make predictions of the future, there is one thing we know from the experience of the past economic slowdowns.
A crisis always propels and instigates existing technology trends. New technologies that were getting momentum, gain share faster.
Today warehouse managers turn to new products and use momentum to break out of long standing contracts with the vendors of suboptimal solutions.
Lithium ion batteries is the best example here. During the last years many pioneer companies were getting ahead of the competition with the help of this new technology. Superior performance, safety, durability and remarkable cost savings make Li-ion a powerful efficiency booster for warehouse operations.
Today the use of Li-ion batteries in Material Handling is no longer an exciting experiment. It is a tried-and-tested solution, which can move the needle for those businesses that want to make it through the crisis.
OneCharge Li-ion Batteries has a proven Return on Investment and operations improvements’ records in all essential businesses: food and beverage manufacturing, paper and packaging, cold storage, distribution centers, IT and telecom, etc.
Count on OneCharge – your tried-and-tested Li-ion solution.